Ron Dumont’s Resume

Ronald Dumont Ed.D., NCSP

151 Main Street

Unadilla, NY 13849




a.  Academic


• Director (7/09-present), Department of Psychology, Fairleigh-Dickinson University- Teaneck New Jersey.

• Professor (1/09-present), Department of Psychology, Fairleigh-Dickinson University- Teaneck New Jersey. Director of the Masters and Doctoral Programs in School Psychology

• Associate Professor (7/99-present), Department of Psychology, Fairleigh-Dickinson University- Teaneck New Jersey. Director of the Masters and Doctoral Programs in School Psychology

• Assistant Professor (9/94-6/99), Department of Psychology, State University of New York-Plattsburgh. Director of the School Psychology Program

• Director of Psychological Services (9/86 to 9/94) Hudson/Litchfield Schools, NH

• Senior Lecturer (9/87 to 9/94) Rivier College, Nashua, NH

• Director: School Psychology program (9/92 to 9/94) Rivier College, Nashua, NH

• School Psychologist: Director of Alternative Program (9/80 – 6/86) Dover-Sherborn High School, Dover, MA

b.  Non-academic


• Psychotherapist   (3/85 – 9/86)    Kerzner Associates, Sharon, Ma. Private practice.  Individual psychotherapy, specializing in adolescent issues


c.  Current membership in learned or professional societies


• National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)

• Nationally Certified as a School Psychologist (NCSP)

• New Hampshire Association of School Psychologists (NHASP)

• New York Association of School Psychologists (NYASP)

• New Jersey Association of School Psychologists (NJASP)

d.  Grants


• Abandoned Infant Association, Evaluator of New Start Programs, $50000 (2000-2001)

• Child Assessment syllabus was chosen and approved to be a model for the training of school psychologists. The school psychology program and this class was one of only 8 school psychology training programs in the country to have received the recognition.  The Riverside Testing Corporation has provided a grant of testing materials worth over $20,000 to be use in the class.



a. Books

• McBride, G. U., Dumont, R., & Willis, J. (2011). Essentials of IDEA for Assessment Professionals.  Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

• Dumont, R., Willis, J., & Elliott, C. D. (2008). Essentials of DAS-II Assessment.  Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

• Sattler, J. M., & Dumont, R. (2004).  Assessment of Children: WISC-IV and WPPSI-III Supplement.  San Diego: Jerome M. Sattler, Publisher

• Willis, J. O. & Dumont, R. P. (2002). Guide to the Identification of Learning Disabilities Third Edition. Acton: Copley Custom Publishing Group

• Willis, J. O. & Dumont, R. P. (1998). Guide to the Identification of Learning Disabilities 1998 New York State Edition. Acton: Copley Custom Publishing Group

b. Book Chapters


• Dumont, R., & Willis, J. O (2013).  WPPSI-IV Strengths and Weaknesses.  In E. O. Lichtenberger & K. C. Breaux, Essentials of WPPSI-IV Assessment-Second Edition.  Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

• Dumont, R., & Willis, J. O (2013).  WAIS-IV Strengths and Weaknesses.  In E. O. Lichtenberger & K. C. Breaux, Essentials of WAIS-IV Assessment-Second Edition.  Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

• Willis, J. O., Dumont, R. & Kaufman, A. S. (2013). Factor-analytic models of intelligence.  In R. J. Sternberg & S. B. Kaufman (Vol. Eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence (pp. 39-57). Cambridge University Press.

• Beal, A.L., Willis, J.O. & Dumont, R.  (2013).  Psychological testing by models of cognitive ability.  In D.H. Saklofske & V.L. Schwean (Eds.), Oxford handbook of psychological assessment of children and adolescents.  New York:  Oxford University Press.

• Willis, J. O., Dumont , R., & Kaufman, A. S. (2013).  Assessment of Intellectual Functioning in Children. In K.F. Geisinger (Ed.-in-Chief), B. A. Bracken, J. F. Carlson, J. C. Hansen, N. R. Kuncel, S. P. Reise, & M. C. Rodriguez (Assoc. Eds.), APA handbooks in psychology: APA handbook of testing and assessment in psychology: Volume 3. Testing and Assessment in School Psychology and Education. Washington , DC : American Psychological Association.

• Dumont, R. (2011).  ADHD: To Be or Not To Be? That was the question.  In N. Mather & L. E. Jaffe, Comprehensive Evaluations: Case Reports for Psychologists, Diagnosticians, and Special Educators.  Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

• Dumont, R., & Willis, J. O. (2010).  WIAT-III Strengths and Weaknesses.  In E. O. Lichtenberger & K. C. Breaux, Essentials of WIAT-III and KTEA-II Assessment.  Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

• Willis, J. O., & Dumont, R. (2010).  KTEA-II Strengths and Weaknesses.  In E. O. Lichtenberger & K. C. Breaux, Essentials of WIAT-III and KTEA-II Assessment.  Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

• Willis, J. O., Dumont, R., & Kaufman, A. S. (2010).  Factor analytic theories of intelligence.  In R. J. Sternberg & S. B. Kaufman (Eds.), Cambridge handbook of intelligence. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press.

• Dumont, R.., & Willis, J. O (2009).  WAIS-IV Strengths and Weaknesses.  In E. O. Lichtenberger & K. C. Breaux, Essentials of WAIS-IV Assessment.  Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

• Dumont, R., & Sattler, J. M. (2008).  Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Fourth Edition: Description.  (Chapter 9) In J. Sattler, Assessment of Children: Cognitive Applications (5th ed.).  San Diego: Jerome M. Sattler, Publisher

• Dumont, R., & Sattler, J. M. (2008).  WISC-IV Subtests.  (Chapter 10) In J. Sattler, Assessment of Children: Cognitive Applications (5th ed.).  San Diego: Jerome M. Sattler, Publisher

• Dumont, R., Rapport, L., & Sattler, J. M. (2008).  Interpreting the WISC-IV.  (Chapter 11) In J. Sattler, Assessment of Children: Cognitive Applications (5th ed.).  San Diego: Jerome M. Sattler, Publisher

• Dumont, R., Salerno, J. D., Roberts-Pittman, B., & Sattler, J. M. (2008).  Stanford Binet Intelligence Scales—Fifth Edition.  (Chapter 16) In J. Sattler, Assessment of Children: Cognitive Applications (5th ed.).  San Diego: Jerome M. Sattler

• Dumont, R., Willis, J., Salerno, J. D., & Sattler, J. M. (2008).  Differential Ability Scales—Second Edition.  (Chapter 17) In J. Sattler, Assessment of Children: Cognitive Applications (5th ed.).  San Diego: Jerome M. Sattler, Publisher

• Dumont, R., Beal, L., & Sattler, J. M. (2008).  Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children—Second Edition .  (in Chapter 18) In J. Sattler, Assessment of Children: Cognitive Applications (5th ed.).  San Diego: Jerome M. Sattler.

• Dumont, R., Dehn, M., & Sattler, J. M. (2008).  Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Fourth Edition Integrated.  (in Chapter 18) In J. Sattler, Assessment of Children: Cognitive Applications (5th ed.).  San Diego: Jerome M. Sattler, Publisher

• Dumont, R., & Willis, J. O. (2006).  Test descriptions and reviews. C. R. Reynolds, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Special Education, 3rd. ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

• Dumont, R., & Willis, J. O. (2005).  Test descriptions and reviews. In E. Fletcher-Janzen & C. R. Reynolds (Eds.), The Special Education Almanac (pp. 39-146)Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

• Willis, J. O., & Dumont, R. (2005).  Useful websites for special educators.  In E. Fletcher-Janzen & C. R. Reynolds (Eds.), The Special Education Almanac (pp. 283-312)Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

• Chafouleas, S. M., & Dumont, R. (2002). Use of Direct Assessment Techniques with School-Age Children, in Carlson & Waterman’s Social and Personality Assessment of School-Aged Children, Boston: Allyn & Bacon

• Dumont, R., Willis, J., & Sattler, J. M. (2001).  Differential Ability Scales.  In J. Sattler, Assessment of Children: Cognitive Applications (4th ed., pp. 507-545).  San Diego: Jerome M. Sattler, Publisher

c. Articles in refereed journals

• Hale, J., Alfonso, V., Berninger, V., Bracken, B., Christo, C., Clark, E., Davis, A., Decker, S., Denckla, M., Dumont, R., Elliott, C. Feifer, S., Fiorello, C., Flanagan, D., Fletcher-Janzen, E., Geary, D., Gerber, M., Gerner, M., Goldstein, S., Gregg, N., Hagin, R., Jaffe, L., Kaufman, A., Kaufman, N., Keith, T., Kline, F., Kochhar-Bryant, C., Lerner, J., Marshall, G., Mascolo, J., Mather, N., Mazzacco,  M., McCloskey, G., McGrew, K., Miller, D., Miller, J., Mostert, M., Naglieri, J., Noggle, C., Ortiz, S., Phelps, L., Podhajski, B., Reddy, L., Reynolds, C., Riccio, C., Schrank, F., Schultz, E., Semrud-Clikeman, M., Shaywitz, S., Silver, L., Swanson, L., Urso, A., Wasserman, T., Willis, J., Wodrich, D., Wright, P., & Yalof, J. (2010). Critical Issues in response-to-intervention, comprehensive evaluation, and specific learning disabilities identification and intervention: An expert white paper consensus. Learning Disability Quarterly, Pittsburgh, PA: Learning Disabilities Association of America.

• Hale, J. B., Fiorello, C. A., Dumont, R., Willis, J. O., Rackley, C., & Elliott, C. E. (2008). Differential Ability Scales–Second Edition (Neuro)Psychological Predictors of Math Performance for Typical Children and Children with Math Disabilities. Psychology in the Schools, Vol 45 (9), 1-21

• Reddy, L. A., Braunstein, D. J., & Dumont, R. (2008). Use of the Differential Ability Scales for Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. School Psychology Quarterly, 23, 1, 139-148

• Willis, J. O. & Dumont, R. (2006). And never the twain shall meet: Can response to intervention and cognitive assessment be reconciled. Psychology in the Schools, 43, 8

• Dumont, R., & Willis, J. O. (2004). Issues regarding the supervision of assessment. The Clinical Supervisor, 22, 159-176

• Dumont, R., Willis, J. O., Farr L. P., McCarthy, T., & Price, L. (2000). The relationship between the Differential Ability Scales (DAS) and the Woodcock-Johnson Revised-Cognitive (WJ-R COG) for a Sample of Referred Children. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 18, 1, 39-48

• Beal, A. L., Dumont, R., & Mark, R. (1999). A Comparison of the Canadian and American WISC-III Norms for the Identification of Intellectually Gifted Students. Exceptional Children Canada, 9, 3, 29-40

• Dumont, R., Farr. L. P., Willis, J. O. & Whelley, P. (1998). 30-Second Intervals Performance on the Coding Subtest of the WISC-III: Further Evidence of WISC Folklore? Psychology in the Schools, 52, 2

• Mark, R., Beal, A. L., & Dumont, R. (1998). Validation of a WISC-III Short Form for Canadian Gifted Children. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 14, 1, 1-10

• Beal, A. L., Dumont, R., Branche, A., & Cruse, C. L. (1996). Validation of a WISC-III Short Form for Canadian Learning Disabled Children. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 12, 1, 1-6

• Beal, A. L., Dumont, R., Cruse, C. L. & Branche, A.  (1996). Practical Implications of Differences Between the American and Canadian Norms for WISC-III and a Short Form for Children With Learning Disabled. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 12, 1, 7-14

• Dumont, R. Cruse, C., Price, L. & Whelley, P. (1996). The relationship between the Differential Ability Scales and the WISC-III for students with learning disabilities. Psychology in the Schools, 33.3, 203-209

• Dumont, R. & Willis, J. O. (1995). Intra-Subtest Scatter on the WISC-III for Various Clinical Samples vs. the Standardization Sample: An examination of WISC Folklore? Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 13, 271-285

• Dumont, R. & Faro, C. (1993). WISC-III Short Form for Learning Disabled Children. Psychology in the Schools, 30, 212-219

d. Other non-refereed articles

  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scales-Residential and Community, Second Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scales-School, Second Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, Second Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Beta III. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Bilingual Verbal Ability Tests Normative Update. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Boehm Test of Basic Concepts, Third Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Bracken Basic Concept Scale—3rd Edition: Receptive. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). California Verbal Learning Test – Second Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). California Verbal Learning Test–Children’s Version. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Cognitive Assessment System. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Comprehensive Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Test-Second Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence – Second Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Comprehensive Trail Making Test. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Culture Free Self-Esteem Inventories – Third Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Dean-Woodcock Neuropsychological Battery. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude, 4th edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Developmental Assessment of Young Children. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Devereux Behavior Rating Scale-School Form. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Devereux Scales of Mental Disorders. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Diagnostic Assessments of Reading, Second Edition (DAR) with Trial Teaching Strategies. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Differential Ability Scales–II. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Embedded Figures Test. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Gifted Rating Scales. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Gray Diagnostic Reading Tests – Second Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Gray Oral Reading Tests, Fourth Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Halstead-Reiten Neuropsychological Test Battery. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities – Third Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Kaufman Functional Academic Skills Test. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Leiter International Performance Scale – Revised. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery Children’s Revision. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Miller Assessment for Preschoolers. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory -2. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Mullen Scales of Early Learning. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Oral and Written Language Scales. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Personality Inventory for Children, Second Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Pictorial Test of Intelligence – Second Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale – Second Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scale. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Slosson Intelligence Test. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Fifth Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language, 3rd Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Test of Early Mathematical Ability, 3rd Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Test of Early Reading Ability, 3rd Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Test of Early Written Language, 2nd Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Test of Variables of Attention. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Test of Word Finding-2nd Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Test of Word Reading Efficiency. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition Integrated. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, Third Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning, Second Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Abilities. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement Normative Update. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Dumont, R., Willis, J.O., Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J. (2012, in press). Young Children’s Achievement Test. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Beery-Buktenica Development Test of Visual-Motor Integration, Sixth Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Bracken Basic Concept Scale: Expressive. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Conners 3rd Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Gilliam Autism Rating Scale – Second Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fourth Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Test of Written Language- Fourth Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Wechsler Memory Scale- Fourth Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Viezel, K.D., & Zibulsky, J., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Wide Range Achievement Test: Fourth Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Zibulsky, J., & Viezel, K.D., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals – Fourth Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Zibulsky, J., & Viezel, K.D., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Expressive Vocabulary Test, Second Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Zibulsky, J., & Viezel, K.D., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). NEPSY – Second Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Zibulsky, J., & Viezel, K.D., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Process Assessment of the Learner- Second Edition: Diagnostics for Reading and Writing. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Zibulsky, J., & Viezel, K.D., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Test of Adolescent and Adult Language- Fourth Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Zibulsky, J., & Viezel, K.D., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Test of Language Development- Intermediate- Fourth Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Zibulsky, J., & Viezel, K.D., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Test of Language Development- Primary- Fourth Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Zibulsky, J., & Viezel, K.D., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Test of Phonological Awareness- Second Edition: Plus. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Zibulsky, J., & Viezel, K.D., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Test of Reading Comprehension- Fourth Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Zibulsky, J., & Viezel, K.D., Dumont, R., & Willis, J.O. (2012, in press). Test of Nonverbal Intelligence- Fourth Edition. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed., pp. TBD). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

• McBride, G., Dumont, R., & Willis, J. O. (2004). Response to Response to Intervention Legislation: Have We found a Better Way or Will We be Just as Confused as We Have Been for the Last Ten Years?, The School Psychologist, Vol. 58, 3, 86-91

• Dumont, R., Willis, J. O. & Levine, B. (2002). A Test Review: Dominique Interactive, Communiqué, Vol 31, 2, 37-38

• Dumont, R., Willis, J. O. & McBride, G. (2000). Yes, Virginia, There Is a Severe Discrepancy Clause, The School Psychologist, Vol. 55, 1, 1-14

• Dumont, R., & Rauch, M.  (2000). Test Review: Scale for Assessing Emotional Disturbance (SAED), Communiqué, Vol. 28, 8, 24-25

• Dumont, R., & Rauch, M.  (2000). Test Review: Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale (BERS), Communiqué, Vol. 28, 7, 16-18

• Dumont, R., & Chafouleas, S.  (1999). Conducting behavioral observations: Some technical support?, Communiqué, Vol. 27, 7, 32-33

• Dumont, R., Farr, L. P., McCarthy, T. & Willis, J. O.  (1997). The Multimedia IQ Test for Adults, Communiqué, Vol. 26, 3, 25

• Dumont, R., Farr, L. P., McCarthy, T. & Willis, J. O.  (1997). Home IQ Tests: A critical review of the Children’s IQ and Achievement Tests, Communiqué, Vol. 26, 1, 28-30

• Willis, J. O. & Dumont, R. (1997). A Test Review: Oral and Written Language Scales (OWLS), Communiqué, Vol. 25, 5, 20-21

• Dumont, R., Stevens, C. & Short, J.  (1997). Software Review: A Comparison of Six Commercial Software Packages Used by School Psychologists, Communiqué 25, 8, 25-27

• Willis, J. O. & Dumont, R. & Cruse, C. L. (1996). A Test Review: The Mini-Battery of Achievement (MBA), Communiqué, 25, 1, 22

• Dumont, R. P., Willis, J. O., Farr, L. P., & McCarthy, T.  (1997).   Self-administered, computerized home IQ testing: There’s less there than meets the eye. Communiqué, 26 (1), 28-30.

• Dumont, R. (1996). “Crunching Numbers and Other Horrible Thoughts: Research Reviews” The School Psychologist, Newsletter of the NY Association of School Psychologists, 14, 2, 10-11

• Boyd, C. L. & Dumont, R.  (1996). Inquiring Psychologists Want to Know: How Well Does the K-BIT Predict WISC-III Results, Communiqué, 24, 6, 24

• Dumont, R. & Stone, B. & Tamborra, A. (1995). Comparison of Three Continuous Performance Tests, Communiqué 24, 3, 22-24

• Dumont, R. & Whelley, P. (1995). A KAIT Review: From the Practitioner’s View, Communiqué 24, 2, 22-23.

• Dumont, R. & Mariani, A. (1995). As The Block Turns, Communiqué, Vol. 23, 7, 27

• Dumont, R. & Finn, R (1995). Psychologist or Soothsayer, Communiqué, Vol. 23, 6, 20

• Dumont, R. & Willis, J. O. (1995). “The Dumont Willis Extra Easy Evaluation Battery (DWEEEB) by Cisco and Eggbert.” The Protocol, Newsletter of the NH Association of School Psychologists, 13, 1, 9-10

• Willis, J. O. & Dumont, R.  (1994). In God We Trust, All Others Bring Data: Point/Counterpoint on the Woodcock-Johnson, Communiqué, Vol. 22, 8, 13-14

• Dumont, R. & Willis, J. O. (1994). “Short-form tests: Thoughts by Cisco and Eggbert.” The Protocol, Newsletter of the NH Association of School Psychologists, 13, 1, 9-10

• Dumont, R. (1994). “Research Reviews” The Protocol, Newsletter of the NH Association of School Psychologists, 12, 2, 7-9

• Dumont, R. & Faro, C. (1993). WISC-III Almost Two Years Old: Proceeding With Caution-Practitioners Concern, Communiqué, Vol. 21, 7, 12-15

• Dumont, R. (1993). “Definitions: Serious Emotionally Disturbed versus Behavioral Disordered” The Protocol, Newsletter of the NH Association of School Psychologists, 11, 4, 4-5

• Dumont, R. (1993). “Kiss Me KAIT! (for mature audiences only) A test review” The Protocol, Newsletter of the NH Association of School Psychologists, 11, 4, 7-9

• Dumont, R. & Willis, J. O. (1993). “Random Testing Myths” The Protocol, Newsletter of the NH Association of School Psychologists, 11, 3, 6

• Dumont, R. (1993). “LET-II: Let it be.  A test review” The Protocol, Newsletter of the NH Association of School Psychologists, 11, 1, 8-9

• Dumont, R. (1992). “Double Standards in Testing or Do We Need A Gun Law for Testers?” The Protocol, Newsletter of the NH Association of School Psychologists, 10, 1, 6-9

• Dumont, R. (1991). “A WISC-R Short Form for Learning Disabled Children” The Protocol, Newsletter of the NH Association of School Psychologists, 9, 2, 6-7

e. Test reviews


• Dumont, R., Cruse, C., Alfonso, V., & Levine, C. (2000). A Test Review: The Mullen Scale of Early Learning: AGS Edition (MSEL:AGS), Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment

• Willis, J. O., & Dumont, R. & Cruse, C. (1997). A Test Review: The Woodcock-McGrew-Werder Mini-Battery of Achievement (MBA), Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 15, 3, 270-280 

• Dumont, R., & Hagberg, C. (1994). Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Tests (KAIT): Test Review, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, Vol. 12, 2, 190-196

• Dumont, R., Whelley, P., Comtois, R., & Levine, B. (1994). Test of Memory and Learning (TOMAL): Test Review, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 12, 414-423

f. Other publications (Computer Programs, Web site)

• Dumont, R., Whelley, P., Elliott, C., & Bradley, J. (2000). DAS Scoring Assistant, [IBM Computer Software] San Antonio, Texas: The Psychological Corporation

• Dumont, R., Whelley, P., Elliott, C., & Bradley, J. (1998). DAS Scoring Assistant, [Macintosh Computer Software] San Antonio, Texas: The Psychological Corporation

• Dumont, R.  (1993). DAS Computer Program, Hudson-Litchfield, NH: author

• Dumont, R., & Faro, C. (1991). WISC-III Computer Program, Hudson-Litchfield, NH: authors

• Dumont, R., & Faro, C. (1989). WISC-R Computer Program, Hudson-Litchfield, NH: authors

• Dumont, R., & Willis, J. O. The following computer programs

Differential Ability Scales—Second Edition (DAS-II)

Differential Ability Scales (DAS)

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Fourth Edition (WISC-IV)

Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence – Third Edition (WPPSI-III)

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Third Edition (WISC-III) (Long)

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Third Edition (WISC-III) (Brief)

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV)

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Third Edition (WAIS-III)

Kaufman Adult and Adolescent Intelligence Test (KAIT)

Cognitive Assessment System (CAS)

Woodcock Johnson Third Edition (WJ III)

Cross Battery (Cog/Ach) Template (ATDR)

Severe discrepancy

Severe discrepancy2

WISC-III Groupings Template

Score to Z score converter

Score to other score converter

Normal Curve Graph

Stanford Binet Fifth Edition (SB5)


Papers presented at professional meetings:

 Choices and decisions for testing cognitive and academic abilities.  Dumont, R., & Willis, J. Region 4 Education Services. Houston, Tx. June 7, 2012.

Testing using non verbal intelligence tests and dealing with cultural biases in testing.  Dumont, R., Viezel, K., & Willis, J. Bergen County NJ Inter-regional professional development collaboration among Bergen County Regions I, II, III, V, VI and Bergen county special services. Hackensack, NJ. March 2012.

Measuring Academic Achievement (using standardized and non-standardized tools): Determining what students know, and what to do with this knowledge.  Ron Dumont, Ed.D., Jamie Zibulsky, Ph.D., John Willis, Ed.D.  Bergen County NJ Inter-regional professional development collaboration among Bergen County Regions I, II, III, V, VI and Bergen county special services. Hackensack, NJ, April, 2011

Test stats and other mundane things Dumont Public Schools, Dumont, NJ. February, 2011

Current Developments and Trends in Assessment of Learning Disabilities. Kiyas Joel Public Schools, Harriman, NY. November, 2010

Severe Discrepancy Discrepancies. Dumont Public Schools, Dumont, NJ. May, 2010

Issues in Psycho-educational Assessment. with Dr. John Willis; Toronto District School Board, Toronto, Canada;  April, 2010

 Understanding Educational Evaluations.  Dumont, R., & Willis, J. Region 4 Education Services. Plano, Tx. August 19, 2009.

Understanding Educational Evaluation. with Dr. John Willis, New Jersey Special Education Attorneys, Newark, New Jersey, March, 2009

Current Developments and Trends in Assessment of Learning Disabilities (Keynote) and Best Practices in Assessment and Diagnosis of Learning Disability (Full day workshop), ΙΝTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY, University of Crete, May 23-25 2008, Rethimno, Crete, Greece

Advanced Interpretation of the Differential Ability Scales—Second Edition. with Dr. Colin D. Elliott. NASP Conference, New Orleans, LA, February 6, 2008

The Pediatric ADHD Screener (PADDS). with Dr. Tom Pedigo. NASP Conference, New Orleans, LA, February 6, 2008

What Every School psychologist Should Know to Stay out of Court.  Summit County School Psychology Association, Summit, NJ, December 7, 2007

Best Practice in the Identification of Learning Disability. with Dr. John O. Willis. Saskatchewan Educational Psychology Association Fall Conference, Saskatoon, SK, November 15 & 16, 2007

The Changing Face of Learning Disability Assessment. with Dr. John O. Willis. Learning Disability Association of New Hampshire Conference, Manchester, NH, October 12, 2007

The Differential Ability Scales—Second Edition: The Smarted IQ test in America? with Dr. John O. Willis. ASAIF Conference, Nashua, NH, May 5, 2007

Utility of the SB5 Special Composite Scores for Identifying ADHD with Dr. Penny Petchers. NASP Conference, New York, NY, March 27, 2007

 • Profile Analysis of the Stanford Binet-V for Children with ADHD with L. Richardson, and L. Reddy.  NASP Conference, New York, NY, March 27, 2007

Clinical Use of the DAS-2 for ADHD Children with Drs. Linda Reddy and Louise O’Donnell NASP Conference, New York, NY, March 27, 2007

Linking Assessment to the Science and the Law of Learning Disabilities Port St Lucie School Psychology Conference, New York, NY, February 15, 2007

Identification of Disorders in Basic Psychological Processes: LD Evaluations after Response to Intervention (RTI) with Dr. John O. Willis ASAIF Conference, Nashua, NH, December 8, 2006

Best Practice in the Diagnosis and Identification of Serious Emotional Disturbances in Children under the new IDEIA.  Summit County School Psychology Association, Summit, NJ, December 1, 2006

Best Practice in the Diagnosis and Identification of Specific Learning Disability under the new IDEIA with Dr. John O. Willis Oakland Schools Regional Conference, Oakland, MI., November 11, 2005

Alphabet Soup: IDEA-II, RTI, LD & Comprehensive Evaluations: New Procedures for Identification with Dr. John O. Willis ASAIF Conference, Nashua, NH, November 3, 2006

Best Practice in the Diagnosis and Identification of Serious Emotional Disturbances in Children under the new IDEIA.  Brentwood Public Schools, Brentwood, NY, October 13, 2006

Discriminant Validity of the Stanford Binet-V with ADHD children with L. Richardson, and L. Reddy. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. August, 2006

Linking Cognitive Assessment to the Science and the Law of Learning Disabilities: Streamlined Assessment and Report Writing using Gf-Gc Theory and Cross-Battery Assessment with Dr. Lynne Beal, British Columbia Association of School Psychologists Conference, Vancouver, BC November 7 & 8, 2005

IDEIA: A Practical Practice Guide for Administrators and Educators for Dealing with Mutually Exclusive, Contradictory Regulations, Policies, and Procedures with Dr. John O. Willis ASAIF Conference, Nashua, NH, November 4, 2005

WISC-IV Integrated: How to Use it without Actually Adopting the Child to Take Home with You with Dr. John O. Willis ASAIF Conference, Nashua, NH, October 7, 2005

Use of the Woodcock Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder with Dr. Linda Reddy and Natalie Bray. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. August, 2005

What administrators need to know about The New IDEA, West Genesee Public Schools, Genesee, NY, August, 2005

The New and Improved (?) IDEA, Nyack Public Schools, Nyack, NY, May, 2005

A Response to Response to Intervention with Dr. John Willis, ASAIF, Nashua, NH, April, 2005

Academic Achievement with Dr. John Willis, BOCES SETRIC Amsterdam, NY, April, 2005

Best Practices in Test Selection and Interpretation: The CHC Cross-Battery Approach of Cognitive Assessment with Dr. John Willis, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, March, 2004

Assessment of Academic Achievement Skills with Dr. John Willis, ASAIF, Nashua, NH, March, 2004

Student Assessment: The Effective School Psychologist with Dr. John Willis, BOCES SETRIC Amsterdam, NY, March, 2004

The WISC-IV: The Good, the Bad, and the Not So Cute with Dr. John Willis and Laurie Farr Hanks, ASAIF, Merrimack, NH, December, 2003

Best Practice in the Diagnosis and Identification of Specific Learning Disability with Dr. John Willis. OSPA, Columbus, OH, November, 2003

Yes, Virginia, There is a Severe Discrepancy Clause, but will it Disappear with the IDEA reauthorization? with Dr. John Willis, NYASP, Albany, NY, November, 2003

Bizarre Test Bazaar with Dr. John Willis, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ, October, 2003

Emotional Disturbance: Issues in Classification with Dr. John Willis, UASP, Deer Valley, UT, October, 2003

Special Education for School Administrators with Dr. John Willis, ASAIF, Nashua, NH, October, 2003

Bizarre Test Bazaar: Part Ii — Requested Follow-Up Topics with Dr. John Willis, BOCES, Auburn, NY, October, 2003

Rewriting the Procedures for the Identification of Educationally Handicapping Conditions: Consultation with the Special Education Department, Lexington Public Schools, Lexington, MA. June, 2003

Best Practice in the Identification of Learning Disabilities. with Dr. John Willis, Manitoba Association of School Psychologists (MASP), Winnipeg, Ontario, Canada. May, 2003

Best Practice in the Identification of Learning Disabilities. with Dr. John Willis and Lynne Beal, National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), Toronto, Ontario, Canada. April, 2003

The Demise of the Discrepancy Formula:  School Psychology Moves into the New Millennium, Nassau County Psychological Association (NCPA), April, 2003

Guide to the Identification of Learning Disabilities. Illinois Association of School Psychologists, Springfield, Illinois. March, 2003

Understanding Learning Disabilities, Bizarre Test Bazaar: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, and Mad, Sad, Bad, and Can’t Add: Identification of Serious Emotional.  Mississippi Association of School Psychologists, Jackson, Mississippi, February, 2003

Understanding Learning Disabilities. Nyack Public Schools, December, 2002

Identification of Serious Emotional: School’s Understanding and responsibility. Clinton County BOCES, Beekmantown, New York, December, 2002

WPPSI III: New Tests for Educational Assessments, Fairleigh Dickinson University, November, 2002

I’m mad as Hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore: Identification of Serious Emotional Disturbance. New Hampshire Association of Specialists in the Assessment of Intellectual Assessments, Nashua, New Hampshire, November, 2002

How to improve your everyday functioning as a school psychologist and comply with New York’s Part 200 revisions, with Dr. John Willis, Auburn, NY Public Schools, October, 2002

Woodcock-Johnson Training, Yorktown BOCES, Yorktown, NY October, 2002

What do we know about learning disabilities: Not much and Why? with John Willis, New Hampshire Association of Specialists in the Assessment of Intellectual Assessments, Nashua, New Hampshire, October, 2002

Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Cognitive Assessment of Specific Cognitive Abilities, Greenwich Public Schools, Greenwich, Connecticut, April, 2002

Nonverbal Intelligence: Its Role and Implications in Learning. with Dr. John Willis, New Hampshire Association of Specialists in the Assessment of Intellectual Assessments, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, April, 2002

Understanding Learning Disabilities. with Dr. John Willis, New Hampshire Association of Specialists in the Assessment of Intellectual Assessments, Concord, New Hampshire; Cape Cod, Massachusetts;  Auburn, New York, March, 2002

Beyond G: Advancements in Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Cognitive Assessment of Specific Cognitive Abilities with the WJ III   National Association of School Psychologist Conference Chicago, Illinois February, 2002

Understanding Learning Disabilities.  New Hampshire Association of Specialists in the Assessment of Intellectual Assessments, Concord, New Hampshire, November, 2001

Mad, Sad, Bad, and Can’t Add: Identification of Serious Emotional. North Shore Education Collaborative Collaborative, Rockland Massachusetts, November, 2001

WIAT-II, PALS, DKEFS: New Tests for Educational Assessments, with Dr. John Willis, Fairleigh Dickinson University, October, 2001

What’s new in cognitive assessment? with Dr. John Willis, New Hampshire Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Portsmouth, NH. October, 2001

Mad, Sad, Bad, and Can’t Add: Identification of Serious Emotional. Cape Cod Collaborative, Hyannis Massachusetts, October, 2001

Woodcock-Johnson Training. Jersey City, NJ, Darien, CT, Middletown, NY, Nassau, NY, Patterson, NJ, Kiryas Joel, NY, Manassas, VA, Staten Island, NY. (2000-2001)

Interventions with Children with Learning and Emotional Problems, Westchester BOCES, Yorktown, NY, March, 2001

Data Based Decision Making, Association of Special Education Directors, Albany, NY, April, 2001

Mad, Sad, Bad, and Can’t Add: Identification of Serious Emotional Disturbance. Massachusetts Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Woburn, MA, April, 2001

Processing Disorders, Fairleigh Dickinson University, February, 2001

How to improve your everyday functioning as a school psychologist and comply with the new Part 200 revisions, Nassau County Psychological Association (NCPA), December, 2000

Woodcock-Johnson Training. New Jersey Association of School Psychologist Conference, Jamesburg, NJ. December, 2000

Woodcock-Johnson Training. Saddlebrook Schools, Jersey City, NJ. November, 2000

Computers are more than expensive paperweights, New York Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Buffalo, NY, October, 2000

Severe Discrepancies, Fairleigh Dickinson University, October, 2000

Bizarre Test Bazaar: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, with Dr. John Willis, Fairleigh Dickinson University, April, 2000

Guide to the Identification of Learning Disabilities in New York; Diagnosing Serious Emotional Disturbance in Children. Rochester, NY. April, 2000

Guide to the Identification of Learning Disabilities in New York; Diagnosing Serious Emotional Disturbance in Children. Syracuse, NY. April, 2000

Guide to the Identification of Learning Disabilities in New Jersey; with Dr. John Willis, New Jersey Association of School Psychologist Conference, Jamesburg, NJ. May, 2000

Learning Disability Talking Points. School Psychology Colloquium, Greenwich Public Schools, Greenwich, Connecticut, May, 2000

Bizarre Test Bazaar: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, Fairleigh Dickinson University, April, 2000

Issues in the Identification of Learning Problems. Kiryas Joel School District, Kiryas Joel, NY. December 16, 1999

Learning Disability Talking Points. Jersey City College School Psychology Colloquium, Jersey City, NJ. December 1, 1999

Cross Battery Approach to the Assessment of Learning Disabilities  New Hampshire Association of School Psychologists Winter Conference, Concord, NH. February, 1999

Cross Battery Approach to the Assessment of Learning Disabilities  New York Association of School Psychologists Winter Conference, Westchester, NY, May, 1999

Guide to The Identification of Learning Disabilities in New York.  New York Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Syracuse, NY. October, 1998

Bizarre Test Bazaar: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.  New York Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Syracuse, NY. October, 1998

Step-by-Step process in the determination of Learning Disabilities.  New York Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Syracuse, NY. October, 1998

Current Research with the Differential Ability Scales. National Association of School Psychologists Annual National Convention, Orlando, Fl. April, 1998

Severe Discrepancy Discrepancies and Functional Behavioral Analysis. Canton BOCES, Canton, NY. March, 1998

Everything Old Is New Again: Critical Review of Current Tests.  New Hampshire Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Portsmouth, NH. November, 1997

Guide to The Identification of Learning Disabilities in New York.  New York Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, White Plains, NY. November, 1997

Severe Discrepancy Discrepancies. New York Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, White Plains, NY. November, 1997

Diagnosing Serious Emotional Disturbance in Children. New York Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, White Plains, NY. November, 1997

A review of the Leiter-R. New York Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, White Plains, NY. November, 1997

Severe Discrepancy Discrepancies and Diagnosing Serious Emotional Disturbance in Children, Northern New York Psychologists, April, 1997

DAS: Theory, Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation.  Northern New York Psychologists, February, 1997

Use of the Differential Ability Scales (DAS) with Multicultural Populations   National Association of School Psychologist Conference Anaheim, California. April, 1995

Using the Differential Ability Scales (DAS) in Cognitive Assessment. Ontario Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada. February, 1997

Practical Implications of the Canadian Norms for the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III. Ontario Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada. February, 1997

How to be a Better Evaluator: Tricks of the Trade and Testing Mythology. New York Association of School Psychologists Annual Conferences, Rochester, NY. October, 1996

Mad, Sad, Bad, and Can’t Add: Identification of Serious Emotional Disturbance & Are Pictures Really Worth a 1000 Words: Projective Techniques and the School Psychologist. New York Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Rochester, NY. October, 1996

BASC: Theory, Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation.  Canton NY Special Educators, November 1995

DAS: Theory, Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation.  NH Special Educators, November, 1995, January, 1996

BASC & KAIT: Theory, Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation.  Capitol City School Psychology Association, December, 1995

Difficulties With Special Education Evaluations. Canton School District, Canton, Connecticut December, 1995

Can a Learning Disability Become a Working Disability? Workshop series for NY Department of Labor-Community Service Center (1995)

Mad, Sad, Bad, and Can’t Add: Identification of Serious Emotional Disturbance. Canton BOCES, Potsdam, NY November, 1995

DAS: Theory, Administration, Scoring. New York Association of School Psychologist Conference, October, 1995

Bizarre Test Bazaar: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. New York Association of School Psychologist Conference, October, 1995

Panel discussion: Assessment of Learning Disabilities. New York Association of School Psychologist Conference, October, 1995

DAS: Theory, Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation.  APA Conference, New York, August, 1995

Understanding Learning Disabilities.  North Country Consortium Conference, New York, May, 1995

Contemporary Issues in Intelligence and Standardized Testing. PSI CHI series, SUNY-Plattsburgh, April, 1995

Can You Tell a Test by Its Cover? How to Know a Test Infomercial When You See One.   New Hampshire Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, November, 1994

Current Research Concerning Learning Disabilities.  New Hampshire Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, November, 1993

DAS & KAIT: Theory, Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation.  States of: New Hampshire 1993; Connecticut, 1994

Bizarre Test Bazaar: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.  New Hampshire Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, November, 1992

Critical Reviews of the WISC-III, WJ-R, DTLA-3, KAIT, & Hooked on Phonics.  State of New Hampshire, 1992

Mad, Sad, Bad, and Can’t Add: Identification of Serious Emotional Disturbance & Are Pictures Really Worth a 1000 Words: Projective Techniques and the School Psychologist. New Hampshire Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, October, 1991

Putting the Car Before the Horse: Changes in the WISC-III.  States of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, 1991

Teaching the Disabled Reader: Identifying Reading Styles from WISC-R Subtest Patterns.   International Reading Association, Atlanta, Georgia, 1990

Other professional activities:


• FDU Faculty representative for the Global Education Retreat: Wroxton, England (2000)

• Abandon Infant Association Grant ($50000) Evaluator, DYFS Newark, NJ (2000-2001)

• Co-Chair Research Committee: New York Association of School Psychologists (1997-2000)

• Co-Chair Ethics Committee: New York Association of School Psychologists (1996-2000)

• Contributing Editor for Assessment NASP Communiqué (1993-present)

• Editorial Board for Psychology in the Schools (1998-2002)

• Editorial Board for the Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment (1996-2002)

• Ad Hoc reviewer for Canadian Journal of School Psychology (1996-2006)

• Ad Hoc reviewer for School Psychology Review (1996-present)

• Executive Board: New York Association of School Psychologists (1994-2000)

• President: New Hampshire Association of School Psychologists (1992-1993)

• New Hampshire School Psychologist of the Year (1989-90)

• Site coordinator for the standardization of the:

                Test of Verbal Conceptualization and Fluency (TVCF) (1994)

                Das-Naglieri PASS Model (1995)

                PPVT-3 & EVT (1995)

                Wechsler Memory Scale for Children (1995)

                Kaufman Tests of Educational Achievement (1995)

                Peabody Individual Achievement Test (1995)

                Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning, Third Edition (DIAL-III) (1995)

                WAIS-III (1996)

                Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test (UNIT) (1996)

                WIAT-R & PAL (1999)

WISC-IV (2002)

Stanford Binet V (2002)

Differential Ability Scales-II (2005)

• Try-out reviewer for the:

Brief Intelligence Scale (BIS)

BETA-III Intelligence Test


Doctor of Education, May 1985, Boston University

Master of Education, September 1977, Boston University

Bachelor of Science, June 1972, University of Massachusetts